Newborn babies are like little suns as they bring light and warmth into your life.

Normal Labor, Delivery

It is a journey from womanhood to motherhood. It is quite essential that you know what to expect at the beginning of the “real show”. You could have lower abdominal cramps or “waters leaking”.

≡ Operative delivery

Operative vaginal delivery involves application of forceps or a vacuum extractor to the fetal head to assist during the 2nd stage of labor and facilitate delivery.

≡ Painless labor

Painless delivery is the natural way of childbirth almost without experiencing any pain during the labor. In short, painless delivery is nothing but the normal delivery without pain. The epidural anesthesia used in this procedure, helps mothers relieve the normal delivery pain and is the most popular method for pain relief during labor.

≡ Cesarean delivery

Cesarean delivery (C-section) is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through incisions in the abdomen and uterus. A C-section might be planned ahead of time if you develop pregnancy complications or you've had a previous C-section and aren't considering a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)