Antenatal Care

Live Life To The Fullest

Prenatal care, also known as antenatal care, is a type of preventive healthcare. It is provided in the form of medical checkups, consisting of recommendations on managing a healthy lifestyle and the provision of medical information

"The WHO recommends that pregnant women should all receive at least eight antenatal visits to spot and treat problems and give immunizations. "

1. First Appointment

I recommend that you have your first appointment between 5 – 10 weeks of pregnancy. Assessment about pregnancy will be made.

You will be advised ultrasonography to ensure safe conception. You will be advised investigations to screen for chromosomal disorders like Down syndrome; as well as for your health assessment.

I shall prescribe medicines for your pregnancy. Thereafter I shall be examining you every 4 weekly till 7th month of pregnancy, and more frequently thereafter.

It is advised that you bring the papers of your previous pregnancy or surgery, if any, for most appropriate management.

2. Second Trimester

This period is easier for the patient than the first trimester. I shall be monitoring your weight gain, changes in your body due to the pregnancy and your baby’s development.

Pregnancy related diseases are manifested in this period, hence this phase is of vital importance.

I shall be prescribing medicines to fulfil your nutritional requirements. You will have to undergo anomaly screening sonography to ensure safety of your baby’s growth.

3. Third Trimester

Now you are a few months away from holding and caressing your little one.

This is the most crucial period wherein I shall be examining you every fortnight.

All your queries about labor and delivery shall be answered.

I shall discuss with you about modes of delivery, painless labor, caesarean section and preparation for childbirth.